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My patten pending - 3 Step System to figuring out everything to enhance business to problem solving and creating opportunities…

  1. This

  2. That

  3. and The Other Thing

These are my greatest steps to apply to just about everything I do. So simple, yet when you learn how they work open up opportunities easily missed and also help make sure you are not leaving money on the table for someone else to grab.

I had this epiphany about 7 years ago while in one of my weekly team meetings (and yes a weekly meeting that wasn’t ever a waste of time or pointless - which I offer more insights on later) at Kryptonite. In the industry of “Restaurants & Bars” there are 3 often stated “givens” for success - 1. Price, 2. Product, and 3. Service. However you make think this is the 3 steps but what if I told you that these 3 things only equaled to 1 part of a success story? These pieces if not questioned thoroughly would not be enough to make a success story?

Want to dive deeper into this philosophy than click through to my blog on this story.

This, That & The Other Thing in action and often the beginning of unlocking opportunities.

You’ve asked this question probably a 1,000 times for problem solving, however did you ever discover or question your intention into these 2 words before today?

You’ve asked this question probably a 1,000 times for problem solving, however did you ever discover or question your intention into these 2 words before today?

Ask “Why Not”

How often have you found yourself saying “I wish ____” or asking “what if ____?”

Do those questions help you solve accountability or role out some actionable steps to help you create the results you’ve been looking for?

Sure this question sounds simple, and that’s because it is… after all as Einstein said “make things as simple as possible, but no simpler.”

By refocusing the attention to the simplest of our starting questions allows us to begin our ever evolving process towards success and results.

In most scenarios in life, business, and events is to begin you must know where you want to end up at…

In most scenarios in life, business, and events is to begin you must know where you want to end up at…

Start at the end before you begin

How do you plan a trip or take a vacation?

You don’t just buy a plane ticket or just start driving in any random direction do you?

You have a goal in mind! You have a location to reach, a timeframe to begin and a timeframe to end. You have a mentality and emotions in action in almost every step of the way from the moment you start planning to the moments you start your journey and through the end of it all and often if done right or gone terribly wrong at moments create experiences often reflected on with a new emotion and perspective on life.

Why should your goals, successes and plans be any different for your business, organization, event or goals be any different?

Did you catch this description offers 3 things to begin their description of a variable? Read it again as: characteristic - “this”, number “that” and/or quantity “the other thing”

Did you catch this description offers 3 things to begin their description of a variable? Read it again as: characteristic - “this”, number “that” and/or quantity “the other thing”

Variables - Manage - plan - adjustments

I subscribe to a philosophy of “manage the variables.”

Motorola in its peak success and the US Military subscribe to a Six Sigma construct believing that anything they make, do or plan falls under this philosophy.

For me this is a critical process of discovery and application of executing ideas, theories, and intentions into plans, processes, teamwork and of-course action.

Ready for the unexpected curveball?

“The other thing” is never just 1 thing… it’s an opportunity to success… however what is success is to me, might not be your idea of success, and your idea of success might not be your customers idea of success… so to help stack the deck for an increased successful experience or result you need to always look for 3 more “other things.”

Does it seem like we are going down a rabbit hole yet? Good, because this is how experiences and journeys towards adventure and excitement often begin… with curiosity. If our end goal can be quickly defined for success at the end this process it is to help you “stay curious.”