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You Assumed

You Assumed seeks to ask entrepreneurs over assuming their whys - why not.

The three toughest conversations to have, on You Assumed with James Purifoy of 15th & Chris

Today’s episode truly pushed my comfort zone and made me rethink what I’ve always assumed or actually taken for granted.


Boogie’s Tasty Burger Business…

Business - Life, and how Community to our Roots can impact, inspire and shape our worlds…

Episode Ate.. aka number 8.

I’m joined by my long time friend Boogie… aka James Purifoy. We sit down and have a deep and real conversation about life, and the effects of current times are touching deeply into our lives. I learned more about the recent death of his father, and how closely the Covid-19 has touched his life.

We also dive into the death of George Floyd’s death and the movement so many of us have been witnessing in our local communities. I get to hear and better understand another perspective, which this conversation created connecting follow up recordings to soon follow with Alvin C Jacobs Jr.

I hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as I had recording and learning from James. Hopefully you will feel the rollercoaster of emotions as we laugh, tear up, and talk as friends can when we make the time for connecting with one another.